Pray for Hurricane Helene

Mosaic Church family and friends, WE ARE CALLING YOU TO PRAYER tonight and throughout the coming days. 
Here is a list to guide your prayers. Please take moments here and there to pray for each thing as this situation unfolds with Hurricane Helene:

1. PROTECTION FOR THOSE IN THE PATH: Pray for God's protection over individuals, families, and communities who are in the projected path of the hurricane.

2. FIRST RESPONDERS AND EMERGENCY WORKERS:  Lift up in prayer the safety, strength, and wisdom of first responders, medical teams, and all those helping with evacuation and rescue efforts.

3. WISDOM FOR GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITY LEADERS: Ask for discernment and quick, clear decision-making for government officials and community leaders coordinating relief efforts and evacuations.

4. PEACE AMIDST FEAR AND ANXIETY: Pray for God’s peace to calm the hearts of those who are feeling fear, anxiety, or uncertainty in the face of the storm.

5. PROVISION FOR THE VULNERABLE: Pray for the homeless, the elderly, and those with disabilities who may not have the resources to evacuate or protect themselves.

6. PROTECTION OVER HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND INFRASTRUCTURE: Ask for God’s hand to cover properties, preventing widespread destruction of homes, schools, hospitals, and other critical infrastructure.

7. RESTORATION AND HEALING AFTER THE STORM: Pray for quick recovery, physical and emotional healing, and restoration for those affected by the hurricane, particularly if it brings destruction.

8. UNITY IN THE COMMUNITY: Pray that the storm brings about a spirit of unity, collaboration, and generosity, with people coming together to support and help one another.

9. GUIDANCE FOR THE CHURCH’S RESPONSE: Ask for wisdom on how the church can be a beacon of hope, love, and practical support to those in need, both before and after the hurricane.

10. SAFETY FOR EVACUEES: Pray for safe travels and secure shelter for those who have to leave their homes.

11. COMFORT FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER LOSS:  Pray for comfort, strength, and support for those who may lose loved ones, homes, or possessions.

12. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Ask for God's mercy to minimize the long-term environmental effects of the storm, such as flooding and erosion.